Seanox Software Solutions; Devwex; Internet; Servers; 121 KB
Devwex is a minimalistic Web server with a modular architecture. The already contained servers instances support the HTTP amongst others virtual hosts, IP/Port sharing, directory index, filtering, modules, SSL/TLS, DCGI/CGI1.1 and a on telnet based remote access to control the server. Further servers and modules can be integrated about the available APIs. The server is a pure Java implementation for the command line and can be used with an appropriate Java runtime environment on many operating systems.
- Architecture: multithreaded container, server and (advanced)module api
- Customizing: error pages and the listing of directories, including the icons based on templates can be customized
- Expandability: modular architecture and many interfaces allow to change, extend and add functionalities
- Configuration: based on a central file, in an enlarged INI format, which supports dynamic values and inheritance
- Monitoring: telnet remote access for status, restart and stop
- Interfaces: CGI 1.1, DCGI 1.1, HTTP 1.0+, server and (advanced)module api
- Security: SSL, TSL, Basic- and Digest-Access-Authentication with groups
- Virtualization: ip, port and name-based (Virtual Domain) hosting
Featured Sierra
Devwex.vers.1.2012.1115.TwOsn.pkg {98 kbytes}
Best on High Sierra {142 kbytes}
Seanox Software Solutions
Updated version
6dKE6-2.01-Boonka.tar.gz | 15974 kbytes | 1.3
Version Mojave
ver._1.3.3_WidgetRunner_i67.pkg | 329 kbytes | 1.0.7
on Sierra
k2f4_v_2.1.0_FotoFuse.tar.gz | 539029 kbytes | 2.0.1
| 123 KB | Free
H3KM6 1.2015.0815 Devwex 1.2012.1015 Best OS X
| 118 KB | App
67A V.1.2014.0815 DEVWEX 1.2015.0815 to 10.13.5
| 106 KB |
7LjI0 Devwex 1.2012.915 1.2015.0815 Recomended for 10.14.2
| 102 KB | Software
BV6DYZ DEVWEX 1.2012.915 3.2012.0815 Best for El Captan
| 121 KB | App
o4hIet vers 1.2012.915 Devwex 1.2012.1215 Version on MacBook Air