Description: 3686 KB - It2be - Applications - TicketAlert - Business
◍ v-1.9.1-TicketAlert.tar.gz
Use TicketAlert to be notified of new tickets received in your Kayako SupportSuite and eSupport.
After installing TicketAlert, you will have a new icon in your menubar and you will receive notifications from your helpdesk about new tickets and replies.
Note: TicketAlert is not a full Mac client for Kayako SupportSuite and eSupport. For that we have plans to develop SupportDesk for Mac.
Additionally TicketAlert Professional offers the following:
- Receive notifications for more than one helpdesk.
- Use a filter to Include or Exclude a notification from the History Dialog or only for showing an Alert.
- A (selectable) helpdesk/department tree in the History Panel.
- A (selectable) history stack of received notifications in the History Panel.
- Option to use a 'normal' menu for the status item.
- When using the 'normal' menu a counter will show the # of notifications.
- When using the 'normal' menu a tooltip will show the last refresh.
- Change the sort order of the notifications.
- Automatically create a ToDo in iCal.
- Automatically create a ToDo in MS Outlook.
- Automatically create a Task in Things.
- Automatically create a Task in OmniFocus.
Featured! version [4017 KB]
High Sierra
7j9i4_version_1.12.1_ticketalert.dmg [3649 KB]
New on MacOS
SSy-v-1.9.3-TicketAlert.pkg [3870 KB]
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Brave-v.1.6-NwJJ.dmg 1.4
Version OS X
eAqpk_Quip_5.1.51.dmg 5.2.97
[3944 kb] App
PX7 TICKETALERT VER 1.9.3 1.9.4 Best Mac Pro
[3833 kb] Update
TicketAlert vers.1.9.5 Xf3Zy 2.9.1 to 10.11.4
[4386 kb]
XGUX3M V.1.9.3 TICKETALERT 2.9.1 Version for Sierra
[4275 kb] App
WsBIV TicketAlert ver 1.9.2 1.12.1 Best OS X