Importer for Contacts v 1.4.2 where download to El Captan

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- Importer for Contacts - Stefan Keller - 8090 KB - Productivity


Importer for Contacts picks up where Apple Contacts left off by importing Excel files, CSV files, tab-delimited files, and vCards into "Contacts" with more options.
As a bonus, it can also convert CSV and Excel files to vCard files directly without the need to import them first. The app is also able to restore Address Book groups from vCards.
- Imports Excel files (.xlsx), including embedded pictures
- Imports vCards with automatic group restoration
- Maps fields automatically and remembers field mappings for future imports.
- Lets you save mappings to make repeated imports easier
- Supports custom labels
- Accepts CSV files that Apple’s Contacts app refuses to open
- Can perform automatic group assignment. Groups that do not already exist will be created. In your import file, simply add a column with a comma-separated list of group names that the contact should be a member of.
- Supports line breaks in CSV and tab-delimited text file fields (street addresses, notes, etc.) if the file is properly formatted
- Fields not supported by Contacts can be added to the "Note" field
- Comes with an interactive preview to make it easier to determine the character encoding of the import file - helpful if you don't know which encoding was used or if you have no idea what a character encoding is.

Importer for Contacts never does overwrite or delete existing contacts. Instead, old duplicates will be added to a group in Contacts, making it easy for you to remove them manually if the import worked right.

OS X v.1.3.1.Importer.for.Contacts.1Ou.app [7200 kbytes]

for 10.12.5 AHB_V.1.1_IMPORTER_FOR_CONTACTS.ZIP [6957 kbytes]

Updated MacOS dyE-1.4.5-Importer-for-Contacts.tar.gz [9060 kbytes]

Mac Pro tR4vD-ver-1.4.4-Importer-for-Contacts.dmg [7847 kbytes]

Updated on OS X v.1.5.2.Importer.for.Contacts.w7F.pkg [7361 kbytes]

Stefan Keller
Official site: https://www.subclassed.com/apps/importer-for-contacts/convert-excel-and-csv-files-to-vcards-mac

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Featured High Sierra eAwwY_DjVuReader_Ex_ver._1.9.dmg | 14837 KB | 1.10

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